BuradasınızAna Sayfa MeReSa Agar Base Ürün Kodu: HI-M1594-500GRÖzellikleri: Description Recommended for the selection, isolation and identification of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from clinical specimens ilgili ürünlerBrucella Agar Base ModifiedAzide Dextrose Broth Mannitol Salt AgarBrain Heart Infusion w/ PABAMcFarland standard setMueller Hinton BrothBlood Agar Base (Infusion Agar) SS Salmonella Shigella AgarMacConkey Agar Pseudomonas Agar Medium BesiyerlerHazır BesiyerleriBD Toz BesiyeriHimedia Toz Besiyeri