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LN2 Dewar Cryolab

Product code: 
Cryolab Series

LN2 Dewar Cryolab


  • 7 models, from 2 litres to 50 litres capacity
  • Bucket handles (2 to 10 litre models)
  • Strong, lightweight aluminium construction
  • High thermal efficiency
  • Ultra-low evaporative losses
  • Dual handles ( 20 to 50 litre models)
  • LN2 pressure dispenser for 20 to 50 litre models
  • Roller bases available (20 to 50 litre models)
  • Unique pouring trolley for Cryolab 25
  • LN2 dipper for small volume withdrawals


Technical Specification: 
T e c h n i c a l  D a t a
MODEL Cryolab 2 Cryolab 5 Cryolab 10 Cryolab 20 Cryolab 25 Cryolab 35 Cryolab 50
PART NUMBER 9901015 9901030 9901040 9901050 9901062 9901080 9901090
LN2 Capacity Litres 2 5 10 20 25 35 50
Evaporation Rate (litres/day) 0.08 0.18 0.2 0.18 0.25 0.27 0.28
Static Holding Time (days) 25 28 50 111 100 130 178
Wt Kg Empty 2.8 4.1 5.6 9.1 7.4 12.2 15.5
Wt Kg Full 4.4 8.1 13.7 25.3 27.6 40.5 55.9
Neck diameter (mm) 32 51 51 51 51 63 63
Overall Height (mm) 385 495 560 570 585 650 810
OverallDiameter(mm ) 185 216 305 407 395 407 407
Roller base part number N/A N/A N/A 9902082 9901063 9902082 9902082
LN2 Dispenser P/N N/A N/A


9701056 9701056 9701057 9701057
LN2 Dispenser with flexible hose P/N N/A N/A N/A 9701157 9701157 9701152 9701152
Pouring Trolley P/N N/A N/A N/A N/A 9901064 N/A N/A